Cine world: Diary of a Teenage Girl, Trainwreck, Mistress America

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Yesterday we looked at recent films telling the stories of men and today I’m following up with three films about the stories of women. I have to say, women are faring much better than their male counterparts at the moment. I don’t know whether this is just because there are still so few films with female leads that they have to be more interesting than those with male leads, if it’s a case of production companies, genres, or whether it’s simply my personal preferences coming into play.

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Cine world: Inside Out and Magic Mike XXL


Inside Out is being hailed as a return to form for Pixar, following a series of sequels. I have to say, I really enjoyed it, but I do wonder if it’s a film that is aimed at adults more than children in some respects. As you probably know, the film takes place inside the head of 11-year-old Riley and its leading characters are the five emotions that control her: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger. So far, so Numskulls. However, what makes this film really stand out is that it’s not simply about the interactions between the different emotions and the way they battle for control of Riley, it has a lot more to say about how our minds and emotions work in terms of other aspects, such as memories, personality formation, nostalgia and forgetting.
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Cine world: Amy and Minions reviews


One of the things I’ve missed about blogging is writing my thoughts about films. Although I don’t necessarily want to get into the long monthly posts that I used to do, I would like to reinstitute a bit of film discussion on here as and when the mood takes!

Normally, when I’m away from work or it so we can, I like to get a decent amount of films in. However, one of the drawbacks of being off sick with arm problems is that driving has been very difficult, and therefore get into the cinema much harder than it usually is. This means I’m really behind on the latest films and haven’t seen very many recent releases-but last weekend I did manage to get to see a couple of films: Minions and Amy.

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